What people are saying


”I decided to start working with Adrienne to get help with my physical health. Right from our first meeting though, she helped me realize that my physical health was just one part of where I was feeling stuck. I love that she is equally prepared to discuss the scientific benefits of foods as she is the mystical benefits of different rocks. Adrienne has really helped me make some big changes to improve my energy, manage inflammation, meet my life goals and expand as a human. With her help, I am definitely a happier and healthier person today.”

— Jessie Swider

“Adrienne is intuitive, aware, educated, and wise...You will ‘fall in love’ with Adrienne’s ways…realize things about yourself you’ve never imagined…she teaches the beauty of transformation is within all of us!”

— Judy Derpack

“Thank you so much for being just a wonderful human. I truly don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t met you this summer. You have been a wonderful coach, confidant, and guiding light. You have helped me peel back the layers to find me. This is truly the best.”


One of my biggest challenges when I first started working with Adrienne was lacking self-confidence that I could follow through with adjusting my eating habits. Through working with her I realized that I had the self-motivation to overcome that. The best part of coaching was her acceptance and helpful insight, which has helped me gain more self-love and confidence. Adrienne is able to meet people where they are and inspire them to do the best they can. I think you are wonderful!!!

-Paula Arno Martinez

“You bring not only a lot of knowledge based in both natural magic and science, but also a grounding, safe energy.”

-Jess M., group participant

“I loved working with you Adrienne. The experience surpassed my expectations and definitely improved my life! I’m more aware of how my diet effects my mood and body. I feel I am finally on track and moving forward into my best self!“

— Janessa Smith

“Adrienne combines a scientific approach as a biologist, with the tenderness and openness of a Qi Gong teacher. She offered me precise knowledge, as well as warm and grounded wisdom. I received quality feedback from Adrienne during and after each session, including detailed patient notes for me to refer back to. This attention to detail not only made me feel cared for, but also helped me get the most out of our time together. Ultimately, the education and support I received with each session led to significant healing, specifically in my digestion, and sleep.”

-Austyn Heinlein

“You are in for an enriching and heartfelt experience guided by an amazing teacher…a unique weaving of ancient and modern wisdoms".”

-Morgan Cassidy, group participant

“[I would] Absolutely [recommend working with you]. I would say that you create a safe space, you are knowledgeable, well read and well prepared. You are based in science as well as spirit. You radiate a very comfortable, positive and happy energy, but can sense the appropriate level to radiate on, if you know what I mean. I like the tangible exercises and home play, the meditations and pretty direct instructions that lead you through the work. Then there is also room for your own ways of doing things….Yes, I definitely did [benefit]. I was able to start exploring the ways I want to be and the ways I want to leave behind. I had several realizations during the course about what those things really are.”

— An anonymous group participant


“I would tell them that you create space and structure for deep self exploration….[the best thing was] being so seen and able to see others without judgement. Adrienne created a very light, safe and honest atmosphere. I felt that everyone was real, and speaking from the heart….I can't really think of a specific content improvement. The only suggestion I would give is to have a clear offer for how people can keep working with you in the future at the end of the group. 1:1 coaching packages or an ongoing group. I think people would take you up on it after that experience!”

-Talia Lauren, group participant