Spring Rebirth

ROOT in the stillness of your essence

CYCLE out the old to fertilize the new

BLOOM authentically with the full energy and sweetness of spring

Spring is the season of renewal.

It’s a time of new beginnings, new life, and fresh thriving energy. A time when beauty (and flowers) sprout spontaneously out of the dormancy of winter. When we feel connected, we can embody these qualities and experience spring as a time of lush joy and clear flowing creative energy.

However, when we fail to root in our priorities and fully let go, spring can be a time of feeling overwhelmed, spread too thin, ungrounded and scattered among the strong spring winds.

This transformational, confidential group container will help you root, connect, and clear so that you can harness the full energy of spring. A time devoted to shifting out of overwhelm and fully into spring sweetness.

Just like the spring flowers, we simultaneously hold our own unique radiance and are also part of a wider, grander landscape. Similarly, the Spring Rebirth experience will both center you into your own authentic light, and encourage and give you tools to connect to supportive community and the oneness of nature. From here, you can fully bloom.

Centered in the concepts of the turning medicine wheel, we will honor our own cycles, root in our core priorities, clear out physical dross, and embody the connected nature of all things.

Centered, focused, and clear in body and mind…what will YOU create? Join us and lets find out!!

Your transformative journey will include:

  • Confidential Group Sharing

  • Guided dietary detox

  • Feminine Archetypes, Myth, and the Medicine Wheel

  • Tools for deep self-inquiry, growth, and inner balance

  • Fun and Expressive Homeplay

  • Science and Spirit

 “Adrienne creates a safe space, is knowledgeable, well read and well prepared. She is based in science as well as spirit and radiates a very comfortable, positive and happy energy. I like the tangible exercises and home play, the meditations and pretty direct instructions that lead you through the work. I was able to start exploring the ways I want to be and the ways I want to leave behind. I had several realizations during the course about what those things really are.”

-Anonymous Participant of “Conscious Transitions” Group Fall 2021

“Adrienne has a wonderful gift to create a safe, equitable space to share. In the circle I attended hosted by her, I felt secure to share an extremely vulnerable story, which helped me start healing something I had been avoiding for years. Her circle was a protected space where I felt free to let go. ”

-Annie, Full Moon Circle Participant

“You create space and structure for deep self exploration…and a very light, safe and honest atmosphere. [My favorite part was} feeling the power of intention from the other women, and being so seen and able to see others without judgement. I felt that everyone was real, and speaking from the heart.”

-Talia Lauren, “Conscious Transitions” group participant, Fall 2021

“Adrienne is intuitive, aware, educated, and wise….she is a phenomenal conduit”

-Judy Derpack, Conscious Transitions group participant, Fall 2021

Weekly Program Details:


 WEEK 1 -2: Root in your truth

Themes: Slow down, prioritize, center


Establish agreements to create inner safety and safety within the group.

Find the center of your turning medicine wheel

GROUND and ROOT into your body, your priorities, and connectedness of all things

The medicine wheel represents the cycles and seasons of life and can be used as a tool for healing. The first step is to find the center axis upon which our wheel turns.


 WEEK 2-3: Cycle the old to fertilize the new

Themes: Detox, cycle out and clarify, fertilize


Participate in a healthy way in a gut reset and physical/emotional detox

Give and receive the support of the group as we cycle together

Clear out the dross and allow for spontaneous germination (clarify your focus)

Honor your own natural cycles by letting go of what is ready to die

The Life/Death/Life cycle is present in many ancient creation myths, lineages, and symbols including the spiral, the serpent, and the Greek Goddess Gaia of fertility, all of which honor the cycle of life/death and birth present in nature.

 WEEK 3 - 4: Bloom

Themes: energize, connect, flourish, fuel the good


Fully rooted, rise up to the sun!

incorporate tools to energize and redirect and enhance supportive neural pathways

Embody the sacred marriage within

Harness the energy of being connected to eachother and the earth

Move forward on your spring project with clarity and energy

In Chinese Medicine, the wood element is associated with spring and represents new energy, new beginnings, flexibility, acceptance, and focused drive.

Other details:

Location:  We will meet in person at the Plant Ally at 925 Commercial St in Leavenworth, WA.

Meeting dates : Four Tuesdays: May 17, 24th, 31st and June 7th, 2022

Meeting times: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Group open to: Adults (and mature teens)

Cost for the entire 4 week container : $150

How to sign up: Click below or email me to save your spot. You will hear from me within 24 hours.

In addition to the 4 in-person meetings, we will collectively and continuously hold the container with guided home-play and in our secret online group.

Group capacity limited to 10 so we will fill up fast! Sign up now.