Adrienne Roumasset, M.S., H.H.C

a little about me

I am a somatic healing and nutrition coach, qigong instructor, inner nature guide, and ecologist. My coaching style is empathetic, highly personalized, and based in my studies in ecology, nutrition, and embodiment arts. My healing philosophy is to guide my clients into alignment with their inner nature. It is my deep belief that taking time to serve that inner sanctuary is the foundation of full health, reaching your full potential in life and relationships, and will ripple out to the health the planet. Self-acceptance and self-love is the basis of all healing.

The coaching process begins with guiding you towards the current state of your own ecology (e.g. your needs, the feeling in your body, your physical symptoms, sadness, limiting thoughts) and into an understanding of which threads in your personal ecological web are key to your balance. It is such a beautiful process to witness a person first deeply listen to themselves, come into alignment with the truest part of them, and finally learn how to integrate deep nourishment into their lives.

Something I love about the coaching profession, is that in contrast to traditional therapy I can show up as fully me, and am not restricted on how much of my personal life and story I can reveal. This intimate style of coaching really resonates with certain people; I have had several clients express relief in finding coaching because it works for them in ways traditional therapy never did. I’ve heard everything from “it just feels more authentic” and “looking at my gut problems and anxiety together” to “I fired my therapist”.

This authenticity is crucial for me because while I’ve tried to fight it, I am incapable of being anything other than myself. This is both a curse and a gift. A curse because it has been hard for me to meet society’s traditional path of “success” - I am not married, don’t have kids, and I don’t have a traditional job. I’ve spent my life running around in mountains; studying the nature of reality, biological life, and ancient myth; forming deep life long friendships; and enjoying an intimate, spiritual and physical love affair with Mother Earth. This is who I am. What I’ve come to realize, is fighting this deep truth of who I am is the root of every physical, emotional, and mental dis-ease I’ve ever experienced. On the other hand when I fully lean into it, I can experience and create real magic. It is my life mission to share this magic in both my individual and group sessions, and help you find that magic in yourself. I truly believe it is this authenticity, this magic, that will heal the microcosom and macrocosom that is you and the planet.

I can’t fight who I am. When I do, I get sick. While I’ve had an easier time embracing being different, being highly sensitive has been harder to contend with. I have struggled with chronic insecurity and intense self-judgement my whole life. In my mid-30s (I am currently 45) it all came crashing down on me, ironically when from the outside I was probably closest to that ideal version of success. I was plagued with thyroid problems, leaky gut, adrenal burnout, and such intense hormone imbalance that my period stopped coming (ammenorhea).

Although it certainly helped, gut healing and anti-inflammatory nutrition only got me so far. What fully healed me is I stopped trying to be or fit into any outside image of what I was supposed to be. What healed me is restructuring my inner dialogue, finding first self-acceptance, and finally deep unconditional self-love. What healed me is recognizing myself as a sensitive being, and instead of berating myself for it, asking her what she needed, and giving it to her. In short, instead of trying to fit myself into my perceived world, I shaped my world and my perceptions to fit my true self. This required more quiet time, more embodied somatic release, and more listening to and nourishing the soft sweet world of my body and inner psyche.

In addition to my personal experience, what I do is deeply informed by the mirror of nature and the science of ecology. I work as an ecologist as well as a coach, and although they may seem unrelated, to me they are simply a continuum. I find it interesting that when we look at restoring an ecosystem to balance we consider all the aspects- the climate, the trees, the soil, the wildlife, the presence of invasive species. But with humans, when there is an imbalance, traditionally we narrow in on the specific organ or chemical, whether it be the brain, the liver, hormones, the gut, the heart, and often ignore everything tangential to the system that is expressing the symptom. Ecology teaches us that it is the interactions between the seemingly separate systems that matter. That is because all the systems are interrelated. You are no different.

My certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and extensive self study has given me the skills and tools to guide you towards anti-inflammatory nutrition, nervous system balance and gut health. I find starting a client on a personalized nutrition protocol is a great way to ease symptoms, help them build a positive relationship with their body, and form trust in the coaching relationship - before we delve to the deeper stuff. As I’ve alluded to, it is often the mind and emotions that are at the root of my client’s physical distress. The tools to exploring these more nuanced aspects of a client’s ecology will include traditional coaching conversations, as well as somatic release practices, guided meditation, ritual, qigong, and practical tools for nervous system regulation hand-picked for you..

I love meeting my clients where they are at, and helping them to come out of confusion and self judgement and lovingly back to their truth. Once you arrive there, and listen to the quiet and wise whispers of your body and spirit, you start a glorious path of healing, health, and embodying your full potential. To start on this path together, simply click on the button below (no commitment required). I look forward to guiding you towards the full vitality of your inner nature.
